Great Lengths Hair Extensions

Great Lengths Hair Extensions

Great Lengths Hair Extensions

Great Lengths uses the highest quality hair from Hindu temples, where it is customary for the natives to offer their hair as a sacrifice. This is Remy hair. Thanks to the precise cutting and careful styling of the hair into a ponytail, the scales can be aligned in the right direction. The scales and the top layer of the hair are responsible for its strength and shiny healthy look.

The condition of Remy’s hair is intact, as the hair offered at the temples have never been chemically treated.

We can extend Great Lengths hair using the ultrasonic method.

Ultrasonic hair extension is a technologically advanced method. We connect the hair with the help of a special device emitting ultrasonic waves, which activate the connection points of hair. It doesn’t cause any damage to the hair or the scalp. This method is commonly referred to as cold fusion, which means cold bonding. The ultrasound device works precisely on the surface between the plates located at its tips. By emitting ultrasounds the device causes vibrations of creatine molecules. This process changes their structures and fuses keratin scales with natural hair. Thanks to this method we obtain flat and subtle bonds, less visible and palpable in comparison to traditional welder. We do not have to worry that the hair will become tangled even when the growth exceeds 3 cm. Such bonding is recommended for dry and damaged hair. It is also recommended for clients allergic to metals used in microrings method. The hair connected with ultrasonic method can be worn for about 6 months.


– permanent connection
– long-lasting effect
– flat, discreet connections
– the hair connected this way can be worn longer than the hair connected with welder, without any concerns about tangling
– we don’t have to use the welder which generates heat and can damage our hair
– the precise spot connecting action
– the use of keratin (a natural building block of hair) as a bond
– the possibility to attach a few strands at a time, which significantly speeds up the entire procedure
– recommended for clients allergic to metals


Full hair extensions 2 500 – 3 500 PLN
Partial extensions – individual pricing
Hair removal 100 – 200 PLN
Hair lifting 200 – 400 PLN